Louis Vuitton Takes the Top Spot in the World's Most Powerful Luxury Brand
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Louis Vuitton, a French luxury fashion and leather good brand company, was recently announced as the most valuable luxury brand in the world based on the study conducted by Millward Brown and was presented by Forbes.com. Among thousands of luxury brands compete for the said title, Louis Vuitton took the top spot with a brand value of $25.74 million.

The ranking of the world’s most powerful luxury brand was based on the profile of BrandZ, a brand equity database that holds data from over 650, 0000 consumers and professional across 31 countries, comparing over 50, 000 brands. It was developed by Millward Brown, starting in 1998.
The finalized ranking was based on the collected data of the said company across a period of time from millions of customers. Each of them was asked to evaluate luxury brands they mostly shop in, as well as their expectations from these brands. Another factor for the basis of ranking was also depended on the value in dollars of each company.

BrandZ as “The Basis of Ranking”
The ranking of the world’s most powerful luxury brand was based on the profile of BrandZ, a brand equity database that holds data from over 650, 0000 consumers and professional across 31 countries, comparing over 50, 000 brands. It was developed by Millward Brown, starting in 1998.
The finalized ranking was based on the collected data of the said company across a period of time from millions of customers. Each of them was asked to evaluate luxury brands they mostly shop in, as well as their expectations from these brands. Another factor for the basis of ranking was also depended on the value in dollars of each company.
Here's the list of the Top 10 Most Powerful Luxury Brand Company according to Millward Brown BrandZ Ranking:
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