

Top 3 Handbag Styles Always on the Fashion Trend  

Posted by cess in

The style of a designer handbag is one of the main reasons why this particular fashion accessory is fun to shop for. There are so many different styles of handbags to choose from that is why it's so hard to choose just one handbag. Every outfit calls for different styles of handbag so this gives women more reasons to buy a minimum of three handbag styles to match whatever their outfit is. To help you out which types of handbag to buy, this article covers the Top 3 Handbag Styles that never come out on the latest fashion trend.

1. Tote Handbag

Tote Handbags are very popular because they are casual yet very practical to use. These bags usually fall in the middle of the body, around the elbow. They are usually big that's why they provide a lot of space for women's essential things that are too large for a purse. They usually only have one or two compartments and are available with a number of images on them or a simple solid color.

2. Clutch Handbag

A clutch is a handbag which does not have handles and is meant to be carried in the hand. That said they are usually quite small and only provide enough space for the personal small belongings of women such as make up, cosmetic products and other girly things. These bags can be casual or dressy and are often worn to an evening gathering and other formal occasions because they are so small and convenient to carry.

3. Satchel Handbag

A handbag that has one, sometimes two, large straps that goes over one shoulder and across the body. This type of handbag is best appropriate in most women who are working in an office. They have to use this handbag because they need to carry their important files whenever they have a meeting or if they need to bring their paper works in their home. It is also often used by most students to help them carry their books and other school stuffs. Using satchel does not only help women to hold their bulky files and things in a more convenient way but also enhance their fashion outlook.


Hi Cess,
I love second one. Because of their wide variety of colors, shapes, designs and style. Clutch bags look graceful and fashionable. This bag is universal because it is able to match perfectly with almost all kinds of evening gowns or dresses.

Have a good day,

Women's Handbag

You've broken down a category that even the boys could understand;) I'm forwarding this to all the men so that they can now know what we're talking about when we're talking about it.

These are a woman's must have. :)
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when you are buying a handbag, you probably don't give it the same inspection you do to a pair of jeans or a shirt.. If you do, most likely, the factors you consider will be its design, color, and how it will suit your needs.. Strangely enough, you probably will not give much though to its size and shape, which are actually important aspects to consider..Your article is nice.. All designs of handbag are nice.. Thanks for sharing..

A smart way to think exclusively about hand bags. Great post! You've also been very crisp: tote, clutch and satchel varieties. Nice work and keep it up.
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- Bal

I'm definitely more of a "tote" kind of gal. The clutch is too small, and the satchel is too much.

Thanks for all of this info. It's good to know the differences between handbags! We'll keep this in mind when adding bags to our Women's accessories category! We definitely want to represent all styles!

Brianna Olds
CoolProducts.com Social Media Marketing Manager

Hello there,
I loved your hand bags. I am also a designer. You can check out my handbags as well.
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AKA Steve

Thanks for the post! I always go with the clutch handbags. They're perfect for almost any occasion and never go out of style!

Everyone wants the great styles and comfort. Here I really second one. Its shape, color and size, everything is perfect. Yes it is also important to try and maintain style which can sometimes be difficult. Good collection of handbags. Thanks for the best collection.
Bailey 44 Dress

nice hand bags

Women loves to carry handbag of different style.I have gone through your article and i found it very interesting,especially of clutch handbag.
Thanks for sharing wonderful information on handbags.

Nifty Fashions

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